Countering State Repression With Daniel McGowan

By DefendJ20Resistance

Daniel McGowan

In the early 2000s we saw the US government crack down against environmental and animal activists/movements in what was known as the Green Scare. The Green Scare was an intensive period of repression that sought to impede a growing radical environmentalist movement.

On May 10th, Daniel McGowan, a former political prisoner from the Green Scare will be coming to Washington DC to speak about his experiences facing repression and being a political prisoner.

Daniel will be joined by those doing support work for the J20 case; in which 59 people are still facing decades in prison for counter-inaugural protests. They will speak about the J20 case’s happenings, significance, current state, and attempt to connect the Green Scare to J20 and a broader history of repression.

All are welcome!
